

E-mail: anqi@ecust.edu.cn
职位: 博士生导师
职称: 教授







Tel: 021-64251834







      在国内外重要期刊及会议上发 表论文300余篇,获得国内专利40余项, 出版教材3部(主编)。承担本科生核心课程《机械设计》、《机械设计课程设计》、研究生课程《工程摩擦学》、博士生课程《现代流体润滑理论》等课程的教学 工作。3次获得上海市教学成果2等奖,3次获得最具权威唯一维权担保平台教学成果1等奖,2次获得上海市科技成果3等奖,2003年获得宝钢优秀教师奖,2004年被评为最具权威唯一维权担保平台最具 人格魅力的好老师称号,2007年被评为上海市高校教学名师, 2013 年被全校研究生投票评选为最具权威唯一维权担保平台“良师益友”称号,2016年获得上海市教书育人楷模提名奖,2016年获得国务院特殊津贴。


    [1]  Li Zhengmei, Zhou Qiong, An Qi, Tang Jianping. Influences of Eccentric Unbalances on Loads and Life of Auto Water Pump Bearing. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2011, 46(3): 253-263. (SCI).
    [2] Li Zhengmei, Zhou Qiong, Tang Jianping, An Qi. Load Calculation and Life Prediction for Auto Water Pump Bearing. ASME Journal of Tribology. (SCI, Accepted).
    [3] Li Zhengmei, Zhou Qiong, Tang Jianping, An Qi, Sang Shengju, Wang Jianwen. A Precise Calculation Method for Heat Generation Rate of Auto Water Pump Bearing. STLE Tribology Transactions. (SCI, Accepted).
    [4] Li Zhengmei, Zhou Qiong, Tang Jianping An Qi. Flexural Vibration Analysis of Auto Water Pump Bearing-Rotor System with a Modified Transfer Matrix Method. Proc. IMechE Part K: Multi-body Dynamics. (SCI, Accepted).
    [5] Zhou Qiong, Li Zhengmei, Sang Shengju, Tang Jianping, An Qi. A numerical simulation method for hydrodynamic lubrication of lip seal. Proc. IMechE Part J: Engineering Tribology, 2011, 226: 99-110 (SCI)
    [6] Zhou Qiong, Li Zhengmei, Tang Jianping, Xu Zemin, An Qi. Finite Element Analysis on the Contact Stress of Automotive Water Pump Bearing’s Seal. Structural Integrity and Materials Ageing in Extreme Conditions, Proceeding of 2010 International Symposium on Structural Integrity, Shanghai, China, 2010. (ISTP)
    [7] Zhou Qiong, Li Zhengmei, Tang Jianping, An Qi.Thermoelastohydrodynamic analysis of auto water pump bearing seal. Proc. IMechE Part J: Engineering Tribology. (SCI,Accepted)
    [8] WU Hao, WANG Jian-wen, AN Qi.Calculating method of radial stiffness of cylindrical roller bearings.Symposium of Evaluation,Inspection and Monitoring of Structural Integrity,2008.10:481-485
    [9]  WU Hao, WANG Jian-wen, AN Qi.Vibration Characteristics of Jeffcott Rotor System on Cylindrical Roller Bearings.Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China,2009.01,305-309
    [10]  Wu Hao, Sang Sheng-Ju, An Qi. A New Vibration Model for Bearing-Rotor System with Considering Bearing Structure.Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part K-Journal of Multibody Dynamics. 2011,255:1-11. (SCI)
    [11] Wu Hao, Zhou Qiong, Zhang Zhiming, An Qi. Research on Bearing-rotor System of Air-blower. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 26 (3) (2012) 1~7(SCI)
    [12] Chen Shoujun,An Qi,Zhang Yi,Gao Lianxin,Li Qiang.Loading analysis on the thread teeth in cylindrical pipe thread connection.Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,ASME,2010,132(3):031202.(SCI)
    [13] Chen Shoujun,Li Qiang,Zhang Yi,An Qi.Finite element analysis of tooth load distribution on P-110S conic threaded connection.International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2011,88(2-3):88-93.(SCI)
    [14] Chen Shoujun,An Qi,Zhang Yi,Li Qiang.Research on the calculation method of tightening torque on threaded connection.Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,ASME,2011,133(5):051207.(SCI)
    [15] Chen Shoujun,Li Qiang,An Qi.Calculation method of radial stress and deformation on conic threaded connections with interference fit.Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China,2010,5(3):302-307
    [16] Chen Shoujun,Gao Lianxin,An Qi.Calculation method of load distribution on pipe threaded connections under tension load.Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China,2011,6(2):241-248
    [17] Yan Qin-hua, Huang De-quan, An Qi. Numerical Research of the Influences of the Outer Raceway Curvature Radii on the EHL Properties of Ball Bearing. Journal of Donghua University, 2006, 23(2): 83-87
    [18] An Qi,C M Taylor, M Priest. Study on the influences of bubbly oil on the cavitation erosion in journal bearings of engines.Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol.14, No.4,2001,378~380,384.
    [19] Wang Jianwen, An Qi. A proposed measurement method for void fraction in lubricant oil based on the image processing technique. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2008,79:1-4. (SCI)
    [20] An Qi,C M Taylor, M Priest.Experimental study of the influence of bubbly oil on the cavitation erosion of engine journal bearing materials. Leeds-Lyon Tribology’2000,Lyon, France.  
    [21] Zhang Z.M., An Q., Zhang W.J., Tang Y.J., Yang Q., Chen X.B. Modeling of directional friction on a fully lubricated surface with regular anisotropic asperities. Meccanica. 2011, 46(3): 535-545. (SCI)
    [22] Zhang Z.M., An Q., Li J.W., Zhang W.J.. Piezoelectric Friction-Inertia Actuator - A Critical Review and Future Perspective. Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2012, (SCI)
    [23] Zhang Z.M., An Q., Zhang W.J. Modeling of Directional Friction for Anisotropic Asperity Surface Based on LuGre Model. Imech – Part J Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2012, Accepted. (SCI)
    [24] Zhang Z.M., An Q., Zhang W.J., Tang Y.J., Yang Q., Chen, X.B. Study of directional friction on the fully lubricated surface with regular anisotropic asperities. 2nd European conference on Tribology. Pisa, Italy, 08-10 Jun., 2009.
    [25] Zhang Z.M., An Q., Zhang W.J.. Directional Friction: Concept and its Realization using the Hydro-Dynamic Lubrication Technology. 2009 STLE Annual Meeting and Exhibition. May 17-21 2009. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. 578-580 (EI)
    [26] Yuan Gao, Zhengmei Li,Jianwen Wang, Xinglin Li, Qi An. Influences of bearing housing deflection on vibration performance of cylinder roller bearing–rotor system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2013, 227(2), 106-114
    [27] Zongjie Tao, Qi An. Interference analysis and workspace optimization of 3-RRR spherical parallel mechanism. Mechanism and Machine Theory,2013,69,62-72
    [28] An Qi,Wang Xiaofang. New teaching model for improving creative design ability for undergraduate students.Proceedings of Symposium on Multi-/Inter-Displinary Engineering Education,2006,ECUST,Shanghai
    [29]Q.An, X.Wang. A Post-course Teaching Model for Improving Students’ Creative Mechanical Design Abilities. Proceeding of 10th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Bankok,Thailand,2007. P295-297.
    [30] Zhou Qiong, AnQi. Detection for Transverse Corner Cracks of Steel Plates Surface Using Wavelet [J]. Frontier of Mechanical Engineering in China,2008,(9-11)
    [31] Zhou Qiong, AnQi. Edge Detection of Steel Plates under High Temperature Using Image Measurement [J]. Frontier of Mechanical Engineering in China,2008,(11-12)
    [32]Li Hong, An Qi, etl. Construction of small-sized blood vessels in a bioreactor using human bone marrow stromal stem cells. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research, March 12,2009,Vol.13,No.11, 2178-2182

  [33] Zhen, N; An, Q*. Analysis of stress and fatigue life of ball screw with considering the dimension errors of balls. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES2018V137


  [34]Yang, JP; Zeng, H; Zhu, TQ; An, Q*. Study on the dynamic performance of concrete mixer's mixing drum   . MECHANICAL SCIENCES2017V8(1)165-178

   [35]Yang, JP; Zeng, H; Zhu, TQ; An, Q *.Study on the dynamic performance of tilt rotor supported by spherical roller bearings. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS2017V231(1)156-166

   [36]Ma, FB; Li, ZM; Wu, BJ; An, Q *.An accurate calculation method for heat generation rate in grease-lubricated spherical roller bearings. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY2016V230(4)472-480

   [37]Li, LX; Jiang, YY; Li, ZM; Zhan, YB; An, Q*. Study on the vibration characteristics of a roller-supporting horizontal centrifugal casting machine. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS2016V230(1)99-109

   [38]Huang, LW; Li, ZM; Li, LX; An, Q*.   Methods to calculate accurate wheel/rail contact positions and static contact stress levels. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART F-JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT2016V230(1)138-150

   [39]Ma, FB; Li, ZM; Qiu, SC; Wu, BJ; An, Q*. Transient thermal analysis of grease-lubricated spherical roller bearings. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL2016V93()115-123  

   [40]Ma, FB; Ji, P; Li, ZM; Wu, BJ; An, Q*. Influences of off-sized rollers on mechanical performance of spherical roller bearings      .PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS2015V229(4)344-356

   [41]Ma, FB; Jiang, FY; An, Q*. Simulation of hydrodynamic lubrication between cage pockets and rollers in cylindrical roller bearings. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE2015V229(14)2551-2560

   [42]Ji, P; Gao, Y; Ma, FB; An, Q*. Influences of roller diameter error on contact stress for cylindrical roller bearing. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY2015V229(6)689-697

   [43]Jiang, YY; Gao, Y; An, Q*. Dynamic analysis of the rotor supported by journal bearing with micro-spherical surface texturing. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS2014V228(4)355-365

   [44]Gao, Y; Li, ZM; Ma, FB; An, Q*. Influences of bearing housing nonconcentricity on vibration characteristics of rolling element bearing-rotor system. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS2014V228(4)388-399

   [45]Man, JY; Zhou, Q; Tao, ZJ; Zhang, Y; An, Q*. Micro-scale numerical simulation on metal contact seal. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE2014V228(12)2168-2177 

   [46]Tao, ZJ; An, Q*. Interference analysis and workspace optimization of 3-RRR spherical parallel mechanism. MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY2013V6962-72

   [47]Gao, Y; Li, ZM; Wang, JW; Li, XL; An, Q *.Influences of bearing housing deflection on vibration performance of cylinder roller bearing-rotor system. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS2013V227(2)106-114

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