Speed Effect on a Moving Crack in a Hyperelastic Material
Speed Effect on a Moving Crack in a Hyperelastic Material
 报 告 人:
Dr. C.Q. RU
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Alberta, Canada
 备    注:
Dr. Ru is currently a Professor in  department of mechanical engineering, University of Alberta, Canada. Dr.  Ru received his doctorate in solid mechanics at Peking University,  China, and then worked in the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of  Science and held a number of visitor/research positions in several  universities in Italy, USA and Canada. He joined the University of  Alberta as a faculty member in 1997. Dr. Ru’s past research areas  include plastic buckling of structures, mechanics of elastic inclusions,  electroelastic mechanics, and some applied mathematics problems related  to solid mechanics. His recent research interest focuses on solid  mechanics at micro/nano scale, mechanics of carbon nanotubes, and cell  biomechanics.
网页发布时间: 2012-05-21