

E-mail: bwang@ecust.edu.cn
职位: 硕导
职称: 讲师



2008-2012年 获得闽南师范大学学士学位;

2012年-2018年 获得厦门大学博士学位;

2018年11月-2021年1月 于复旦大学物理系从事博士后工作;

20211月-至今 于全网担保网工作;

此外,担任Applied Thermal Engineering、Scientific Reports、Chinese Physics B、Annals of Nuclear Energy、物理学报等杂志审稿专家。


办公室电话: 021-64253105









针对研究生其中超材料方向因为比较有趣和热门,名额有限,欢迎提前联系。衷心的欢迎勤奋认真、积极主动、对世界充满好奇心的员工加入本课题组攻读研究生(可提前联系本人邮箱 ,也欢迎推荐你的同学加入我们课题组)。


图2 流动隐身示意图




讲授课程 :






iScience、International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferPhysical Review Applied、Applied Thermal Engineering、International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer等重要国际期刊发表SCI论文14篇。授权发明和实用新型专利4项。

  1. Chen-Long   Wu, Bin   Wang*, Hao Wang, Neng-Zhi   Yao, Xuesheng Wang*. Optimal design of maximally amplified thermal   concentrators with homogeneous and isotropic materials. International   Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 152 (2024) 107326.
  2. Hao Wang, Nengzhi Yao, Bin Wang*, Xuesheng Wang*. A Transient Transformation Theory for the Design of Convective Thermal Metamaterials: Cloaks, Concentrators, and Rotators. International  Journal  of  Heat  and  Mass  Transfer  221  (2024)  125088. Top期刊.

  3. Nengzhi Yao, Hao Wang, Bin Wang*, Xuesheng Wang*, Jiping Huang*, Convective thermal cloaks with homogeneous and isotropic parameters and drag-free characteristics for viscous potential flows. iScience 25 (2022) 105461.

  4. Bin Wang*, JipingHuang*. Hydrodynamic metamaterials for flow manipulation: Functions and prospects. Chinese Physics B 31 (2022) 098101.[30周年庆特邀综述]

  5. 姚能智,王浩,王斌*,王员工*. 基于变换流体动力学的文丘里效应旋聚器的设计与非互易特性研究, 物理学报 71 (2022) 104701.
  6. 王浩,姚能智,王斌*,王员工*. 流动隐身衣的均匀化设计与减阻特性, 物理学报 71 (2022) 134703.
  7. Hao Wang, Neng-Zhi Yao, Bin Wang*, Tien-Mo Shih, and Xuesheng Wang*, Homogeneous Venturi-effect concentrators for creeping flows: Magnifying flow velocities and heat fluxes simultaneously. Applied Thermal Engineering 206 (2022) 118012. Top期刊.

  8. Bin Wang, Tien-Mo Shih,Liujun Xu, Gaole Dai, and Jiping Huang. Intangible hydrodynamic cloaks for convective flows. Physical Review Applied 15 (2021) 034014. 该研究设计出了在一定雷诺数范围内有效的、参数均匀的流体力学隐身衣,使包裹了隐身衣的物体在流体中运动,不对流场产生干扰,该研究突破了过去流体动力学隐身衣适用于蠕动流的局限,为更高雷诺数下的流体动力学隐身衣设计打开了新的思路。

  9. Bin Wang, Tien-Mo Shih, and Jiping Huang. Transformation heat transfer and thermo-hydrodynamic cloaks for creeping flows: manipulating heat fluxes and fluid flows simultaneously. Applied Thermal Engineering 190 (2021) 116726. Top期刊,该研究证明了蠕动流情况下的对流传热控制方程组满足坐标变换不变性并设计出了含有对流情况下的热隐身衣;建立起的变换传热学理论,克服了过去长期以来热学超材料的研究主要局限于热传导领域的问题,为包含对流的不同功能热学超材料的设计提供了理论基础。

  10. Bin Wang, Tien-Mo Shih, Jiping Huang. Enhancing and attenuating heat transfer characteristics for circulating flows of nanofluids within rectangular enclosures. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2020) 104800. 该研究揭示了纳米流体在密闭腔体内随着浓度的增大,既可以出现传热增强又可以出现传热减弱的双重传热效应并解释了相关的机制,为纳米流体的传热强化/热防护提供了理论基础。

  11. Xiwen Chen, Tien-Mo Shih, Bin Wang, Richard Ru-Gin Chang. Buoyancy-driven flows descending toward hottest spots of heated bottom surfaces in enclosures. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 101 (2019) 51–57.

  12. Xiwen Chen, Tien-Mo Shih, Bin Wang, Chen-Xu Wu. Nusselt number influenced by expansion/ compression, birth/death, and recirculating direction of vortices in elongated enclosures. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 97(2018) 110-117. 

  13. Bin Wang, Tien-Mo Shih, Xiwen Chen, Richard Ru-Gin Chang, Chen-Xu Wu. Anomalous cooling during transient heating processes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 1253–1262. Top期刊.

  14. Bin Wang,Tien-Mo Shih, Xiwen Chen, Richard Ru-Gin Chang, Chen-Xu Wu. Cascade-like and cyclic heat transfer characteristics affected by enclosure aspect ratios for low Prandtl numbers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 124 (2018) 131–140. Top期刊.

  15. Bin Wang, Tien-Mo Shih, Bo Tian, Chen-Xu Wu, Richard Ru-Gin Chang. Mildly zigzag heat transfer affected by aspect ratios for recirculating flows in rectangular enclosures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 107 (2017) 372–378. Top期刊.

  16. Bin Wang, Tien-Mo Shih, Chen-Xu Wu. Characteristics of instantaneous heat transfer rates in three heat-transfer-coefficient regimes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93 (2016) 889–895. Top期刊.

网页发布时间: 2021-03-18