






担任上海市机器人学会理事、上海市现代设计法研究会理事,以及IEEE Mectronics等多家国际期刊审稿人。担任国家自然科学基金委员会工程与材料学部项目同行评议专家。













 * 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“光致超声行波驱动机理及非接触传输特性研究”;

 * 国家重点研发计划(子课题),“机电类特种设备重要部件原位检测与评价技术研究及装备研制”;

 * 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“超声行波式非接触直线传输机理及动力学特性研究”;

 * 工信部智能制造综合标准化与新模式应用项目,“电力装备(火电、核电)大型汽轮发电机智能工厂”;

 * 上海市自然科学基金面上项目,“介电弹性软体机械手耗散驱动机理及动力学特性”;

 * 上海市自然科学基金青年项目,“非接触晶圆传输系统机理与实验研究”;

 * “数字制造装备与技术”国家重点实验室基金;

 * “机械系统与振动”国家重点实验室基金;

 * 企业合作项目,“静脉药物冲配机器人样机开发”;

 * 企业合作项目,“高铁探伤小车定位及无线传输数据管理系统”;

 * 企业合作项目,“密封面在位精密测量机器人系统开发”;

 * 企业合作项目,“气浮轴承结构理论设计与仿真”;

 * 企业合作项目,“超声微纳压印测试平台”;

 * 企业合作项目,“基于高斯牛顿迭代法的消声室自动精确测量装置”。



Jin Li, Zhuming Bi, Advanced Mechatronics and MEMS Devices II, Chapter 24, Micromanipulation Tools , Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland, 2016.12.6


[1] Jin Li*, Xingyu Liao, Ziwei Meng, and Youyang Jiang. Method for efficient excitation of selective vibration modes in pulsed laser photothermal actuation, Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 133(11): 114501

[2] Jin Li*, Tao Sun, Ziwei Meng, and Xingyu Liao. Large amplitude vibration of a cantilever actuated by a high-frequency pulsed laser, Optics Express, 2022, 30(11):19165-19175

[3] Jin Li*, Yao Zhang, TuanDung Nguyen, Lijie Sun, DanhQuang Tran. The dissipative dynamic performances of dielectric elastomer actuator with viscoelastic effects. Materials Research Express, 2022, 9(7):075701

[4] TuanDung Nguyen, Jin Li*, Lijie Sun, Yao Zhang, DanhQuang Tran, Fuzhen Xuan, Modeling the viscoelastic creep of the cylindrical dielectric elastomer actuator. Applied Physics A,2022, 128:237

[5] Jin Li*, Lijie Sun, TuanDung Nguyen, Research and analysis of resonant and stiffness of cylindrical dielectric elastomer actuator, Materials Research Express, 2021, 8(6):065701.

[6] TuanDung Nguyen, Jin Li*, Lijie Sun, DanhQuang Tran and Fuzhen Xuan, Viscoelasticity Modeling of Dielectric Elastomers by Kelvin Voigt-Generalized Maxwell Model, Polymers, 2021, 13.

[7] Yang Gao, Xiaoliang Fang, Danhquang Tran, Kuan Ju, Jin Li*, Dielectric elastomer actuators based on stretchable and self-healable hydrogel electrodes, Royal Society Open Science,2019,6(8): 182145 

[8] Tran Danhquang, Jin Li*, Fuzhen Xuan, Ting Xiao, Viscoelastic effects on the actuation performance of a dielectric elastomer actuator under different equal, un-equal biaxial prestretches, Materials Research Express, 2018,5(6):1-12 

[9] Jin Li*, Changjun Liu, Pressure potential and stability analysis in an acoustic noncontact transportation, Acoustical Physics, 2017,63(1):125-131.

[10] Chunlei Li, Dong Wei, Bing Zhang, Jin Li*, On Novel Methods for Characterizing the Arc/Contact Movement and its Relation with the Current/Voltage in Low Voltage Circuit Breaker,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,2017,45(5):882-888.

[11] Qi Li, Jin Li, Danhquang Tran, Yang Gao*, Fuzhen Xuan* “Engineering of Carbon Nanotube/Polydimethylsiloxane Nanocomposites with Enhanced Sensitivity for Wearable Motion Sensors”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017,5, 11092 – 11099 

[12] Jin Li, Changjun Liu*, Xinwen Xiong, Yifan Liu, A computationally efficient model to capture the inertia of the piezoelectric in impact drive mechanism in the case of the in-pipe inspection application, Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 7:1-6. 

[13]Haiqing Yao,Heng Cao*, Jin Li, Design and Implementation of a Portable Wireless System for Structural Health Monitoring, Measurement & Control, 2016, 49(1): 23-32.

[14] Yinfan Liu, Jin Li*, at el, Modeling and Control of Piezoelectric Inertia-Friction Actuators: Review and Future Research Directions, Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 6(2): 95-107.

[15] Jin Li*, Wenwu Cao, A nonlinear model for the layer between plates in acoustic noncontact transportation, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116(21): 214905.

[16] Jin Li*, Pinkuan Liu, Han Ding, Dynamic coupling and experimental study on flexural transducer used in near field acoustic levitation, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 2014, 8(3): 14-00324.

[17] Jin Li, Pinkuan Liu, Han Ding and Wenwu Cao, “Nonlinear restoring forces and geometry influence on stability in near-field acoustic levitation,” J. App. Phy., vol. 109, pp. 084518, 2011.

[18] Jin Li, Pinkuan Liu, Han Ding and Wenwu Cao, “Modeling characterization and optimization design for PZT transducer used in Near Field Acoustic Levitation”, Sensors & Actuators, vol. 171, pp.260-265, 2011.

[19] Jin Li, Wenwu Cao, Pinkuan Liu and Han Ding, “Influence of gas inertia and edge effect on squeeze film in near field acoustic levitation,” App. Phy. Letter, vol. 96, pp. 243507, 2010.

网页发布时间: 2021-03-18