2019年最具权威唯一维权担保平台“汇贤国际青年学者论坛” 先进机械装备分论坛



2019 ECUST “Huixian International Young Scholar Forum”

on Advanced Machinery and Equipment 


May 16-18, 2019




Originally known as East China Institute of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) has a long history, which can be traced back more than 100 years to Nanyang Public School and Zhendan College. Founded in 1952, ECUST was the first prestigious university with a special emphasis on the development of the chemical industry in the People’s Republic of China, -- combining the chemistry departments of Jiaotong University (Shanghai), Zhendan University (Shanghai), Datong University (Shanghai), Dongwu University (Suzhou) and Jiangnan University (Wuxi). In 1996, ECUST entered the ranks of key players in the construction of the national 'Project 211'. In 2008, it was given approval to establish the '985 Innovative Platform for Key Disciplines'. Since 2017, ECUST has engaged in the national 'Double First-Class University Plan' to create world-class disciplines. It was one of the first 22 universities to implement the reform of independent recruitment of students, and is one of the selected universities of the 'Excellent Engineer Education Training Plan' and 'Plan 111'. Furthermore, ECUST is one of the first six innovative and comprehensive research universities with a National Technology Transfer Center.


Established in 1997, the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering of ECUST has developed and expanded the origins from the Department of Chemical Machinery. It now offers doctoral degrees in two first-class disciplines, namely 'Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics' and 'Mechanical Engineering', and master's degrees in the first-class disciplines of 'Safety Engineering' and hosts a post-doctoral mobile station. The school is devoted to scientific research in such fields as pressure equipment, electric power, aviation and ocean. It is home to the Key Laboratory of Pressure Systems and Safety of the Ministry of Education, the Engineering Research Center for Green and Efficient Process Equipment and Energy-Saving of the Ministry of Education, and a joint Innovation Center for Aero-engine Life Prediction. In recent years, new research centers, such as the Institute of Intelligent Perception and Diagnosis, the Institute of Marine Ecology and Advanced Equipment Technology, as well as the Research Institute of Additive Manufacturing and Intelligent Equipment have also been established. The school faculty numbers 98 full-time professors and associate professors, including five Cheung Kong Distinguished Professors, four recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, four recipients of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, three Leading Scholars of the 'Ten Thousand Talent Program' and three Shanghai-based University Distinguished Professors('Oriental Scholars'). 

为加快全网担保网一流团队建设的步伐,实施人才强校战略,遴选国家或上海青年人才计划的人选、做好后备人才智库的建设工作,拟举办2019年最具权威唯一维权担保平台“汇贤国际青年学者论坛” 先进机械装备分论坛,旨在邀请海内外机械领域的英才加盟,研究领域包括(但不限于):先进制造与智能制造、机器人与人工智能、机械电子与机电系统、智能检测与感知装备、新能源装备等。论坛将围绕“中国制造2025”、“先进过程装备”、“智能制造”等国际前沿、热点研究以及行业产业的技术问题等展开探讨和交流,促进学术交流,积极搭建学科交叉与协同创新研究平台。

In order to accelerate the development of first-class disciplines in the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering of ECUST, a recruitment strategy for strengthening the university will be implemented. This strategy includes creating a pool of outstanding scholars by selecting candidates for the National or Shanghai Youth Talent Plan. 2019 ECUST “Huixian International Young Scholar Forum” on Advanced Machinery and Equipment is inviting talented scholars from both home and abroad to join the research areas including (but not limited to) Advanced Manufacturing and Intelligent Manufacturing, Robots and Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics and Electromechanical Systems, Intelligent Detection and Sensing Equipment and New Energy Equipment. The forum will discuss and exchange international groundbreaking research findings and directions for the future, such as 'Made in China 2025', 'Advanced Process Equipment' and 'Intelligent Manufacturing'. Technical issues for industry and the promotion of academic exchanges are also on the agenda to actively build research platforms for interdisciplinary and collaborative innovation.

2 申请条件
2 Application Requirements

Candidates 40 years of age or younger should receive a Ph.D. degree from a well-known overseas university, or from a well-known domestic university with more than three years of experience in scientific research at distinguished overseas universities, scientific research institutes, or in research and development departments of prominent enterprises; Ph.D. candidates at well-known universities with outstanding academic achievements are also welcome.

Alternatively, candidates 35 years of age or younger should have post-doctoral experience or currently be post-doctoral research associates at well-known universities or research institutes at home or abroad. They must have published academic papers as the first author or the corresponding author in internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals or conferences.

3 报名方式
请注明:2019年最具权威唯一维权担保平台“汇贤国际青年学者论坛” 先进机械装备分论坛
(1) 个人简历一份(含姓名、出生年月、联系方式、主要研究领域、论文列表等);
(2) 发表论文清单及代表作5篇全文。

3 Application Procedure
Applications indicating 2019 ECUST “Huixian International Young Scholar Forum” on Advanced Machinery and Equipment should be sent to the forum via the mailbox, jixie@ecust.edu.cn. The following documents are required:
(1) A resume including name, date of birth, contact information, main research fields and other relevant information;
(2) A list of published papers and five full-text representative papers.
The School of Mechanical and Power Engineering will send a formal invitation letter to the successful candidates, who are expected to complete and return the accompanying reply form within one week after receiving the invitation letter to confirm their participation. 
Application deadline: May 1, 2019.

4 差旅及住宿
4 Travel and Accommodation Expenses
Accommodation fees during the forum and international/domestic economy class air fare for each participant will be covered by ECUST.

5 论坛日程安排
论坛时间定于2019年5月16日-18日, 为期3天。
5/16   报到 
5/17   9:00-12:00    论坛开幕式及主旨报告 (逸夫楼演讲厅)
             13:30-17:30    海内外青年学者报告 (逸夫楼演讲厅)
5/18   9:00-12:00     交流讨论、参观实验室、招聘宣讲等 (实验17楼308会议室)

5 Forum Schedule
The Forum will take place from May 16 to 18, 2019.
5/16     Registration 
5/17     9:00-12:00    Opening Ceremony and Keynote Presentation of the Forum (Lecture Hall, Yifu Building)
             13:30-17:30   Presentations of Domestic and Overseas Young Scholars  (Lecture Hall, Yifu Building)
5/18    9:00-12:00      Discussion and exchange, visits of laboratories, recruitment announcements, etc. 
(Room 308, Building 17) 

6 联系方式
联系人:李煜佳   程秀玲
联系邮箱:   jixie@ecust.edu.cn
联系电话:   Tel:+86-21-64252954

6 Contact information
Mailing address:   School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, 
                East China University of Science and Technology
                Room 309, Building 17
                130 Meilong Road
Zip code:        200237
Contact persons:  Yujia Li, Xiuling Cheng 
Email address:    jixie@ecust.edu.cn,
Telephone:       +86-21-64252954
网页发布时间: 2019-03-29